On our site, we have Guests – users who haven’t registered –, Ultimate members, and 7 leagues of users comprised by 100 different levels in total. These levels indicate the number of XP (short for experience points) users have. When users use the site, they earn XP, which allows them to level up and thus reach higher leagues. You can earn XP in various ways:
With the first (and only first) token purchase
Verifying your email
Watching shows – up to level 9
Spending tokens
Every user has a badge with the color of their league and their level on it. To avoid confusion, here is a list of all leagues and user types.
Grey League
Grey league levels range from 1 to 9.
When you create your account, you immediately become a Grey user on level 1, and you will stay in this league until you make your first token purchase. The only ways to level up within this league are verifying the email and watching shows on the site. Being Grey essentially means that you have never bought any tokens, although you could have some if you won them in the giveaways. Grey users have a grey badge.
Models have the possibility to disable the chat in their room for this type of user.
Bronze League
Bronze league levels range from 10 to 19.
The moment you make your first token purchase ever, you become a Bronze user on level 10. From this league upwards, the only possible way to level up is by spending tokens.
Bronze users have a bronze badge and can become ex-Bronze if they run out of tokens.
Silver League
Silver league levels range from 20 to 34. Silver users have a silver badge and can become ex-Silver if they run out of tokens.
Gold League
Gold league levels range from 35 to 54. Gold users have a gold badge. They can’t become ex-Gold even if they run out of tokens.
Note that Gold users from our previous user level system won’t turn into Gold users from the Gold league, but rather Ultimate members.
Diamond League
Diamond league levels range from 55 to 79. Diamond users have a purple badge. They can’t become ex-Diamond even if they run out of tokens.
Diamond users can mask their league and level. If you are Diamond and don’t want other users and models to know what league and level you’re in, you can conceal this information by choosing to show a league and level different from your real ones. However, note that you can only select Bronze, Silver,
or Gold as your display league.
Royal League
Royal league levels range from 80 to 99. Royal users have a red badge. They can’t become ex-Royal even if they run out of tokens.
Royal users can mask their league and level. If you are Royal and don’t want other users and models to know what league and level you’re in, you can conceal this information by choosing to show a league and level different from your real ones. However, note that you can only select Bronze, Silver, or Gold as your display league.
Moreover, Royal users get to enjoy the Ultimate membership and all its perks for life. If a user was paying for the Ultimate membership before becoming Royal,
we will simply cancel the subscription and give it for free.
Legend League
This is the top league, with level 100. If you get to this league, know that there’s no one else above you; you’re the boss! Legend users have a red badge with a distinctive star. They can’t become ex-Legend even if they run out of tokens.
Legend users can mask their league and level. If you are Legend and don’t want other users and models to know what league and level you’re in, you can conceal this information by choosing to show a league and level different from your real ones. However, note that you can only select Bronze, Silver, or Gold as your display league.
Moreover, Legend users get to enjoy the Ultimate membership and all its perks for life.
Ultimate Membership
What used to be the Gold membership in our old user level and subscription system, is now the Ultimate membership. Therefore, our old Gold users now turned into Ultimate members.
Users who subscribe to the Ultimate membership become Ultimate members and unlock a bunch of amazing perks such as:
Private messages with any model they want.
Special badge in chat.
Invisible mode for free to lurk in models’ rooms without revealing their identity.
Emojis to use in the chat.
Possibility to be designated Knight by models and thus be their right hand in helping them moderate the room.
Ability to send anonymous tips.
You can access your league and level page from your drop-down menu. There you can see your XP and all other relevant information. Regarding the Ultimate membership, you can access it going to your drop-down menu > "My Subscriptions".
Important note: For all users who created their accounts during our old user level system, we will convert their Goldpoints into XP > 1 Goldpoint = 50 XP. According to this, they will land on their corresponding league.