We value the integrity and safety of our community; therefore, we have implemented a comprehensive set of rules to govern conduct on our Website. It is important for you to understand that our enforcement actions, including penalties for violations, are structured to reflect the seriousness and severity of each violation. We reserve the right to issue different levels of penalties depending on the nature of the violation, at our discretion.
These rules apply equally to all types of content shared on our Website, including, among others, chats, photos, videos, live-broadcasts and any other forms of communication or media. By engaging with our Website, you are required to comply with our Terms of Use, Rules for Models, Rules for Studios and Community Guidelines. Failure to adhere to these terms will result in the below penalties.
List of Prohibited Actions and Penalties for Violation:
Please note that the list of prohibited actions is not exhaustive, and we may update it at any time to reflect new types of misconduct or emerging concerns.
Our structured penalty system consists of three levels, each corresponding to the level of severity of the violation:
- Warning
You will be issued a formal warning regarding the infraction, reminding you to comply with our Terms of Use, Rules for Models, Rules for Studios and Community Guidelines. Violations which will lead to a warning include, but are not limited to, accidental depiction of non-verified persons, depiction of unconscious persons, uploading violating content, depiction of real firearms, empty streams and asking for personal information.
- Temporary Suspension
Your account will be temporarily disabled, preventing you from accessing certain features or the full Website temporarily. An account will be temporarily suspended for violations including, but not limited to, the depiction of illegal drugs and bodily fluids, depiction of violence, arranging real-life meetings, offering shows off the Website, scams, advertising other Websites, hateful speech, threats or coercions.
- Permanent Ban
Your account will be permanently removed from our Website due to serious violations. Certain actions may lead to an immediate permanent ban without prior warnings or temporary suspensions. These include, but are not limited to, non-verified person broadcasting, submitting non-authentic documents, any matter related to the protection of minors, use of inappropriate usernames, depiction of bestiality, human exploitation, fraudulent activities and generally any conduct that is deemed illegal, promotes violence, involves exploitation, or severely undermines the safety of others.
Note that upon permanent ban or termination of an account, the account owner is prohibited from creating any new accounts. Any attempt to register new accounts after such a ban or termination will result in immediate action to remove the said accounts.
Severity of Violations:
Please be aware that repeated minor offenses may escalate in penalty severity, potentially resulting in a permanent ban from our Website. Conversely, a single severe infraction may warrant an immediate permanent ban. This decision-making process will take into account the content and context of the violation, including whether it was an isolated incident or part of a pattern of behavior.
Our goal is to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all users, and adherence to these guidelines is essential for achieving that aim.