Our Website takes the safety and well-being of both our users and models seriously. We understand that you may come across content that violates our Terms of Use or is otherwise illegal. To address such concerns, we have implemented a comprehensive reporting and complaint-handling process to ensure that reported violations are thoroughly evaluated and appropriate actions are taken.
Reporting a Violation
If you encounter content that you believe violates our Terms of Use or the law, we encourage you to file a violation report through our online form. The report should include specific details regarding the nature of the violation and any relevant evidence to support the claim. Once you submit your report, you will see a confirmation message from us informing you that we received your report and our team will initiate an investigation to assess the alleged violation.
Investigation Process
Upon receiving a violation report, our team will conduct a thorough investigation to evaluate the reported content in relation to our Terms of Use, policies or relevant laws and regulations in cases where your report is concerning illegal content. This investigation will aim to determine the veracity of the reported violation and whether it warrants further action.
Decision and Action
Following the investigation, a decision regarding the reported violation will be made based on the evidence provided. If the reported content is deemed to be incompatible with our Terms of Use or illegal, appropriate actions will be taken, which may include removing the content, issuing warnings, or taking other necessary measures. In any case, you will be notified of the decision and the actions taken as a result. Complaints regarding illegal content or non-consensual content will be reviewed and resolved within a maximum of 7 business days.
For a more comprehensive list of our rules, kindly check Rules & Penalties which further outlines potential actions taken after a reported violation has been fully investigated.
Filing an Appeal
If you disagree with our decision, you have the right to appeal our decision regarding a reported violation, you can do so by following the link and instructions sent to you via email. The right to appeal is available for a period of six months, starting from the moment you received our decision. The appeal should include comprehensive details outlining the reasons for the appeal and any supporting evidence that may refute our initial decision. Upon receiving an appeal, we will review the case to ensure that due consideration is given to the appeal. This review process will involve a re-evaluation of the reported content, the initial decision, and any additional information provided during the appeal.
Appeal Decision
Following the review, a decision regarding the appeal will be communicated to you. If the appeal is successful, appropriate actions will be taken to address any shortcomings identified in the initial decision. On the other hand, if the appeal is unsuccessful, you will be provided with an explanation of the reasons for the decision.
Right to Appeal
In the event that you are the owner of a content which was reported by another user and you disagree with our decision or action taken, you have the right to appeal our decision by following the link and instructions sent to you via email. The appeal process is designed to provide you with an opportunity to present additional information or arguments in support of your position. Upon receiving an appeal, we will review the case to ensure that due consideration is given to your appeal. This review process will involve a re-evaluation of the reported content, the initial decision, and any additional information provided during the appeal.
Out-of-Court Procedure and Legal Recourse
If the appeal process does not yield a satisfactory outcome, you have the right to pursue out-of-court procedures or seek legal recourse to address your complaint. This may involve engaging any certified under Digital Services Act out-of-court dispute settlement body or seeking legal counsel to explore the available options for resolution.
Overall, our Website is committed to upholding high standards of content quality and ensuring that our Terms of Use and policies are fairly but also rigorously enforced. The complaints handling process outlined above is designed to provide everyone with a transparent and fair mechanism for reporting violations, appealing decisions, and seeking resolution in cases where content removal or account restrictions have been imposed. We are dedicated to continuously improving our processes to better serve the needs of our users and models and maintain a safe and secure environment for all.